Hectronic VSG Obtains WHG-Certification
After months of preparation the Hectronic Vertriebs- und Service GmbH successfully gained the certification as “Fachbetrieb nach Wasserhaushaltsgesetz” (WHG), i.e. “Specialist Company acc. Water Resources Act”.
Thus, Hectronic has created the legal basis for carrying out works at LAU-installations. The abbreviation LAU stands for “Lagern, Abfüllen und Umschlagen” (“Storage, Filling and Handling”). In water law these terms are used for types of installations for which environmental regulations with respect to water-endangering substances need to be considered during planning, construction and maintenance.
In order to meet the requirements comprehensive provisions within the framework of the certification according to the Water Recources Act (WHG) are necessary. Starting with the preconditions regarding trained service technicians, qualified electricians and a responsible person acc. WHG-regulations. Furthermore, work safety requirements with respect to new workwear and approved tools had to be fulfilled. Last but not least, forms, risk assessments and operating instructions had to be prepared. Within the framework of the certification process these comprehensive requirements have all been fulfilled.
On the basis of the certificate obtained acc. WHG the Hectronic Vertriebs- und Service GmbH succeeded in opening up a new business segment. This segment does not only include the service around the dispenser area with maintenance, repair and installation of fuel pumps, but also the service in the area of tank content management with the tank content measuring system OptiLevel.
More information about the Hectronic solutions can be found here:
Petrol Station Management
Tank Content Management