A Perfect Basis to Start the Apprenticeship: Hectronic’s Get-Together Days for our Apprentices
This year five new apprentices start their working life at Hectronic. On Monday, 02 September 2019 the training manager Alexander Ebi welcomed the young career starters, among them three electronics engineers for devices and systems, one industrial clerk and one mathematic-technical software developer. We are very happy to conduct the latter vocational training for the first time this year.
The get-together days at the outset have become part and parcel of the apprenticeship. They help the apprentices to get into their training and career. For more than a decade Hectronic has counted on this type of career start which makes it easier for “old” and “new” colleagues to get to know each other. Together with their experienced training manager Alexander Ebi the new apprentices could look forward to spending three adventurous days in a self-catering lodge in Hinterzarten, Black Forest. One of the characteristics of these days is the fact that the catering must be planned and organised by the apprentices themselves. Tasks such as cooking and dish-washing are allocated – so everybody knew what they were responsible for during these days. Thus, the “rookies” not only have the chance to meet the more routined apprentices and students but also to experience a sense of community far from the future workplace.
The first evening ended with a relaxed get-together and different “ice-breaker games”. The next morning the Hectronic trainees awaited the team training with the local event professionals “Zwerger & Raab”. Various tasks which could only be solved as a team were paramount here. A cosy barbecue rounded off the second day.
Right at the outset of their apprenticeship the apprentices are thus offered the perfect basis to get to know each other better, find out more about their future colleagues and at the same time have lots of fun and variety during the get-together days. Hectronic does not only put great emphasis on a good working atmosphere, it is also an essential element of the apprenticeship.
We wish all trainees a good start and an exciting apprenticeship.