Advent and Christmas Celebrations at Hectronic
In the afternoon of 4 December, the Hectronic pensioners met in Bonndorf (Allmendstrasse 15) for an Advent celebration. The trio of managing directors, Stefan Forster, Eckhard Fechtig and Frank Gampp, warmly welcomed the former Hectronic employees and guided them through the company after the joint aperitif. The administration building, which was renovated in 2019, and the new canteen in particular aroused the pensioners’ attention. The showrooms established for the parking and refuelling divisions were also visited with great interest. The new mobile payment and authorisation solutions were vividly presented to the former employees. After the tour of the company the more than 20 senior citizens – aged between their mid-sixties and early eighties – could enjoy a tasty meal in the company canteen „PapperlaPub“. With stimulating conversations and lots of laughter the Hectronic pensioners enjoyed this evening together in a cosy atmosphere. In the end, each of them could take home a tasty “Weckenmann” as a present.
On 13 December at 4 o’clock sharp it was time for the current Hectronic employees. The coaches were ready to take them from Bonndorf to this year’s event location “Alte Hofbibliothek” (Old Court Library) in Donaueschingen. The employees from the Hectronic branches in Northern Germany, Austria, Poland, France and Switzerland did not miss this opportunity either and joined this year’s Christmas celebration. The historic building of the “Alte Hofbibliothek” with big vaulted cellar, entrance and old library rooms created the atmospheric ambience of the celebration. “PluCatering” led by Susanne Pluhatsch worked hand in hand with the service team of the “Alte Hofbibliothek” and took care of the culinary well-being of the guests. After the tasty meal managing director Stefan Forster seized the opportunity to look back at the business year 2019. Praise went in particular to the motivated and highly committed employees in production at the location in Bonndorf who, in particular in the second half of the year, could finish the major contracts in time by the end of the year. The festive setting was also used to bid farewell to two long-term employees retiring, Gisela Timpel from the Bonndorf site and Reinhard Lerch from the Swiss site in Brugg. Forster also introduced the new members of staff and gave a brief outlook of the changes and challenges of the year 2020. After that, he entrusted the group to the DJ’s skills and the staff at the bar. People then celebrated in a relaxed atmosphere until late in the evening. Sincere thanks also went to the organisational team that, as every year, provided a take-home transport service for the employees.