Are there solutions for service-oriented parking in hiking and winter sports paradises?

Traffic congestion at recreational facilities such as ski resorts is continuously increasing. Lack of parking space markings due to snow complicates parking space management. The result: uncoordinated parking and less than 100% utilisation of parking capacity. This in turn causes frustration among visitors, but also among operators. What is missing is an overview of parking space availability and effective traffic management.

The HecSpot parking surveillance system as part of an effective traffic guidance system can help to minimise the chaos. Unmarked parking spaces, snow and adverse terrain are no problem for the system. The OBERSTDORF – KLEINWALSERTAL BERGBAHNEN have already been using HecSpot since 2019. The two-country region (Germany and Austria) is a popular hiking and skiing area with a corresponding volume of traffic. Efficient distribution of vehicles to existing parking areas is therefore essential and effectively reduces parking search traffic. The cameras installed on site record the number of parked vehicles. This data is stored in the cloud and then passed on to the parking guidance system in real time. In this way, guests can be made aware of the parking situation at an early stage and, if necessary, be guided to free parking spaces. Traffic chaos is thus avoided and nothing stands in the way of a relaxing day on the ski slopes. And of course, privacy is respected – through a low resolution of camera images as well as automatically blurred faces and number plates. Transferred images are deleted immediately after processing.

In addition to HecSpot, the Hectronic Citea and CiteaPico parking machines as well as the management software CityLine are further Hectronic solutions for parking management.