“Get-together-days” facilitate the start of professional training
Five trainees and three students start their professional lives at Hectronic
Another year has passed and Hectronic has been able to welcome no less than eight new trainees and students to the company. Among them there are three trainees in electronic engineering, two industrial clerks and three students in the fields of sales & marketing, applied computer science and industrial engineering.
Entering the professional world can be a huge challenge for many young people as it is not only their daily life that changes completely but there are also many new and unknown faces awaiting them. In order to facilitate the acquaintanceship between “old” and “new”, Hectronic has been relying, for many years, on so-called “get-together-days”. Together with experienced trainees, students and training manager Alexander Ebi the new trainees were able to look forward to spending three adventurous days in a ski hut in Bernau. During the orientation the trainees had to take care of the catering on their own. This is a real challenge from the start and one that can only be mastered jointly as a team. First of all, a shopping list and a work schedule must be drawn up and subsequently, the trainees have a fixed time limit to buy food and other utensils.
The successful first day in the ski hut in Bernau ended with a cosy get-together and a variety of “getting to know you” games. The next day an adventurous team training, led by event professionals “Zwerger & Raab” in Hinterzarten, awaited the Hectronic trainees. They had to tackle different tasks which could only be solved jointly as a team. The day was rounded off by a barbecue evening which also marked the end of the successful get-together-days.
These introduction days offer the trainees the perfect opportunity to have lots of fun and variety, to get to know each other better and to find out more about their colleagues. Hectronic does not just put great emphasis on a good working atmosphere, far more than this it is an essential element of the company. For this reason, Hectronic is all the more looking forward to offering two further professional training possibilities, namely as a mathematical-technical software developer and as an IT-specialist in the field of application development.
First of all, however, the “newbies” can look forward to the actual start of their training and professional life.