HeDu Training Cooperation: 10 Years of a Successful Concept
The 10th anniversary of the training cooperation HeDu between the companies Dunkermotoren and Hectronic was celebrated with a ceremony and the education day on 08 and 09 May.
The keynote speaker Werner Ruoss pointed out that a cooperation between two companies at such a level and to such an extent was certainly unique. Ruoss, a professor at Furtwangen University, has accompanied the cooperation from the start. Even ten years later HeDu was still a “successfully implemented cooperation which developed an amazing momentum and still had great potential”.
Nikolaus Gräf, former managing director of Dunkermotoren, and Stefan Forster, managing director of Hectronic, reminded of the beginnings of this cooperation. In fact, the cooperation started in 2004 as there had already been a regular exchange between the apprentices at that time. Since then, more than 200 young professionals have been trained in both companies.
Apart from the review of the cooperation, which has received three major education awards so far, the new HeDu logo was also presented during the ceremony. The modern, fresh logo with two joining persons clearly shows how close the training cooperation has become.
At the training day 43 exhibitors showed more than 700 students from schools in the area the multiple training opportunities. These included service providers, the retail business, craftspeople, the food industry, the police and institutions like nursery schools and universities. In an original way the companies tried to rouse the students’ interest. They had the chance to sit in a driving simulator or assemble an electronic cube. This training fair has been taking place in the Bonndorf town hall for 3 years and once again proved to be successsful for all parties involved.