Indian Consul General Visits Hectronic in Bonndorf
At the latest after Chancellor Merkel’s state visit to India in early November it has become absolutely clear that Germany and India will establish an even closer economic relationship. For German companies the relations with foreign partners on the Asian continent are getting ever more important. The growth engine India with many projects, among others in the areas of infrastructure, renewable energies and digitization, is a highly promising sales market. Hectronic GmbH recognized this development at an early stage and opened a branch in Bangalore, South India, in 2005. Both in Bangalore and in the branch office in Pune, opened in 2018 and located south-east of Mumbai, 50 people work in sales, service and development for the divisions of petrol station and tank content management. The manifold business relationships in India and the commitment within the framework of the children’s aid organisation GandhiCare have called the attention of the Indian consul general Sugandh Rajaram to Hectronic GmbH.
With the goal to raise awareness of India as a business location and to strengthen the commercial relationship consul general Sugandh Rajaram visited the Hectronic headquarters in Bonndorf on 22 November 2019. He was cordially welcome by the CEOs Stefan Forster and Eckhard Fechtig and by Sven Jania, Head of Sales Refuelling / Sensor Systems. In this round different matters concerning the mutual cooperation were discussed. Rajaram informed the Hectronic team about the political initiatives and economic reforms of the Indian government which might be of interest to Hectronic. The consul general was also eager to learn about the vast experience gathered during the business activity of Hectronic in India. This exchange is particularly interesting for further contacts of the consul general with start-ups but also with companies that have been in business for many years but have not yet built up commercial relationships with India. Stating he could learn a lot about the differences and similarities between India and Germany and pass on this experience Rajaram willingly offered his assistance. He assured that Hectronic could contact him at any time about political or economic matters and draw on his extensive network.
After the informative exchange on both sides Rajaram took the opportunity to write a few words about his visit into the Hectronic guest book and get to know two of his compartriots. The two Indian software engineers Sumeet Kumar and Rakshith Mandya have been working for a while in the business unit parking space management in Bonndorf. They were delighted about the opportunity to meet the consul general in person before the interesting and inspiring exchange was drawing to a close. After taking a joint photo consul general Sugandh Rajaram was bid a warm farewell.