The Slovenian Capital Counts on the Citea Parking Ticket Machine

And one more project in Slovenia – again realized with our long-term partner ELBI. In the course of the next few years, several hundred Citea parking ticket machines will be installed in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. Apart from solar panels, LCD display and coin payment the terminals are also equipped with a special reading device allowing to use the Ljubljana City Card Urbana. This card plays a major role as access tool for municipal services. Among other things, residents and visitors can use this card to settle parking fees.
The first Citea parking ticket machines were put into operation in September 2021. With the parking ticket machines the city of Ljubljana hopes to achieve a significantly better traffic control. So far, residents have frequently not found free parking spaces in the evening. The Citeas and the resident parking permits are designed to sustainably improve the situation. Furthermore, it is intended to promote the use of public transportation in the city centre and to achieve a higher quality of life by reducing stationary traffic. Our partner ELBI is highly satisfied with the course of the project. “Short delivery times and still very flexible in technical matters such as the special card reading device. We are confident that we will soon be able to conclude further projects with Hectronic in Slovenia.” First of all, however, the next delivery of Citeas with destination Ljubljana is due.