High-Speed Bowser Fuel & Fastfill System for Efficient Refueling

Track and control every liter of fuel pumped into your bowsers & tankers

100% transparency and accountability during the fuelling process

Hectronic Bowser Top Loading System is highly suitable for bulk loading of fuel to bowsers or Heavy machineries like dumpers.

Need for Bowser Fuel Top Loading Management System

It becomes critical for industries whose operations depend on fuel. Industries like mining and infrastructure require a continuous supply of fuel for smooth operations. Hence timely refiling of remote fleets is crucial as it has direct impact on productions. Our high-speed fuelling ensures faster through put & also helps to achieve safe & accurate filling & refuelling of assets & thereby bringing a better control in overall refuelling operations.

How does Fuel Top Loading Management work?

Bowser comes beneath the loading ARM. The authorization of the vehicle happens through an RFID reader in AFT. AFT matches the bowser details and authorizes the pump or control valve for fuel loading.

Customised flow rates can be provided based on the customer requirement. Flow rates can be achieved from 100 to 1300 litres per minute or even more. Upon the completion of fuel loading, AFT saves and transfers the data to the Hecpoll software, wirelessly.

Hectronic top loading/bottom loading/fastfill solution is scalable, flexible, reliable, and can be customized to suit the needs of various industries like Mining, Construction/Infra, Oil companies, Aviation sectors, Petrochemical, and other industrial application. It has an administrative approach that allows enterprises to organize and coordinate their operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide a compliant audit trail.


  • Every liter dispensed is recorded and accounted thereby achieving 100% transparency and accountability in the fuelling process.
  • Fuel dispensed to the vehicles is recorded based on the vehicle number, time, and date enabling you to monitor each vehicle properly.
  • Elimination of intentional as well as unintentional human errors.
  • Perfect logistics and fast data management.
  • Faster throughput & timely refueling of remote assets
  • Various reports, vehicle-wise, station-wise, and shift-wise can be generated through HecPoll Software

Hectronic Components

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